Rising to the challenge: Navigating public safety with drones
To let first responders help us, we need to help them first
While public safety is difficult by nature…
From natural disasters to terrorism and forest fires, emergencies pose risks not only to the general public but also to the first responders on the front lines. In recent years, emergency workers have noticed that their roles are becoming even more demanding, a concern underscored by Lexipol’s recent “Stressed & Short-Staffed” report. The survey of over 9,400 first responders highlights severe staffing shortages, escalating stress levels, and the resulting negative impact on community safety.
Poor real-time communication, public perception of law enforcement, and the expansion of roles and responsibilities are common obstacles. The continuously changing environmental landscape and societal needs make challenging tasks even more complicated. Maintaining public safety now requires more people with specialized skills and tools to put out literal and metaphorical fires effectively. These staffing and resource challenges have real consequences, such as increased response times for high-priority emergency calls and fewer people available to respond. While some of these problems are solvable only with structural changes, many would be alleviated with increased funds and better equipment. The time calls for innovative solutions, and the newest technology, like UAVs, shows relief potential.
…some of its problems are increasingly pressing
There are a couple of reasons why now is the time when public safety needs support more than ever. In part, new threats are forming because of climate change. The number of environmental disasters is increasing, and the existing structures must adapt rapidly. Another factor is localized human violence. Fluctuating crime rates in different cities – especially in the US – are boosting the need for effective policing. Nonetheless, resources do not meet the challenges.
The public safety sector lacks tools and skilled workers. The need to ensure the safety of others and the need for fast reaction times calls for the best technology, which can be considerably expensive or require complex training. For example, employing traditional, less powerful surveillance gear, rescue teams struggle to reach those in need in remote or inaccessible areas. Using helicopters offers some relief to the problem, yet storing and operating such complicated machinery on a large scale is not viable. Such tools are too expensive for the return and can only be employed for a specialized segment of tasks, leaving everyday needs behind.
Employing drones for public safety…
Drones have recently been consolidating their status as valuable tools in supporting those who work for society. Understandably so, as they offer multiple benefits. Sending drones instead of people to hot spots ensures human safety, provides first-hand information quickly and efficiently, and improves real-time communication within public safety teams.
UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are often used as a precautionary measure or employed to scout areas before sending out first response teams. Equipped with cameras and advanced thermal sensors, UAVs gather visible information and even detect hidden human activity in low-light conditions or monitor heat sources like forest fires.
They can quickly access areas amidst natural disasters or criminal turmoil significantly quicker than it would take with traditional ground methods; for instance, a study from Denmark suggests Rescue Emergency Drone usage in traffic accidents could cut the response time in half.
… might be the solution you needed
Ensuring the availability of the right tools means making people’s jobs more manageable and effective, and we at DeltaQuad are committed to providing the best tools available. Due to their cost-effectiveness and easy large-scale integration and deployment, the DeltaQuad VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) UAVs are as valuable as ever in addressing contemporary public safety problems.
For instance, once added to the fleet, the modular DeltaQuad Evo can perform many different types of missions and gather multipurpose aerial data. Furthermore, VTOL UAV technology is easy to operate, and the DeltaQuad vehicles perform flights autonomously. With minimal training, anyone can become a drone pilot, allowing for more adept professionals.
UAVs can help emergency responders and law enforcement agencies to react quicker and help keep communities safer. When traditional resources do not meet the challenges, aerial intelligence suggests a new approach to how safety could – and should – be ensured. We are happy to provide you with a personal solution for your situation. Start a conversation with our team: